There is no King like God,
Who rules with might on High,
The Great Almighty Maker,
Whose glory fills the sky.
No storybook of man
Has conceived His distant Face,
No fairy tale of ours,
Can pinpoint Sovereign's place.
But now revealed to us,
The Son shines forth the Father;
And in His Presence we bow low,
With sin we must not bother.
Oh fairer Christ than all before,
Or forever there will be;
On cross despised, disfigured...
Now reigns in majesty.
Abject fear is due Him,
The one Master of our souls,
Yet Scripture points to Calvary-
Grace fills the ancient scrolls!
There is no King like Jesus!
Whose beauty and love excel;
He is the End Himself,
True Christians know this well.
Childlike we feel before Him,
No Narnia can compare,
The innocence and wonder…
We breathe now Heaven’s air!
Behold Him in that far off land,
Telescoped by Spirit’s light,
He is so near He’s in us,
And we with Him delight.
For He says we sit and reign with Him-
His finished work we rest-
The throne of Christ so comfortable,
His company the best.
There is no King like Jesus,
So terrible and mild,
A Judge to all who hate Him,
A Servant to His child.
He is our Royal Husband,
We'll be lavished with His love...
Forever it will take Him,
His goodness undreamed of.